die (verb 動詞) to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly: dye (verb 動詞) to change the colour of something using a special liquid: ※colourはイギリス英語の綴りでcolorと同じ意味 ※liquidは液体
used for saying that something is very difficult to believe:
Incredibly, no one was hurt in the accident. ※hurt 怪我をする、accident 事故 We missed our flight but, incredibly, got there on time. ※got there 着いた、 on time 時間通り His car turned over and caught on fire and yet, incredibly, he escaped unscathed. ※turn over 横転、escaped unscathed 無傷で逃げた
to improve the quality of something by adding something else:
Fertilizer helps to enrich the soil. ※Fertilizer 肥料(fɝː.t̬əl.aɪ.zɚ US)、soil 土壌 My life was greatly enriched by knowing her.
These trips give students the opportunity to enrich their independent studies in geography and history. ※geography 地理、studiesはこの場合は研究?勉強? The presentations could be enriched with more digital media.
Her work enriches our view of the 1960s. ※1960s 1960年代。19と60で分けて読む。
She went to the doctor complaining of chest pains.
He is critically ill in hospital.
※重病=critical illnessなので違うらしい。
I've got to go to hospital to have an operation.