
・広大なプロシージャル生成のファンタジー世界 –伝説の生き物との戦いや狩りができるほか、野生動物が多く存在している謎めいた森、雪に覆われた山脈、そして神秘的な牧草地など、広大な土地の探索と居住しよう。
・協力(Co-op) PvE (2-10人) - 一人で果敢に立ち向かっていく場合も、信頼する仲間たちと一緒に冒険する場合も、『Valheim』では個別のプレイヤーがホストするサーバー、そして無限のワールド・クリエーションをサポート。3~5人での協力プレイを推奨。
・船の建造と 航海 -脆い筏から巨大な軍艦まで、海を征服し、新しい土地を発見するための伝説的な船を造船しよう。
・住居や基地などを自由に建築 – 巨大な屋敷、農場、前哨基地、城やその他を作ろう。
・直感的なアイテムクラフト - 最高の武器とアーマーを作り、食べ物や蜂蜜酒をクラフトしよう。
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Gamepad navigation in menus is no longer jittery and too quick to use
* Fixed an issue causing renaming of signs and portal with gamepads to break
* Adjusted gamepad dead zones
* There is no longer movement stuttering when using certain inputs
* There should no longer be a stutter when getting close to the bog witch hut
* Virtual keyboard no longer appears multiple times
* Multiple players can no longer eat the same piece of served food
* Crafting skill no longer provides bonus yield on armour and weapons
* You no longer gain cooking skill by trying to use a full cooking station
* World modifier “No Build Cost” no longer allows food to be placed freely, this is now part of the “No Craft Cost” world modifier
* Resin candles that have been blown out no longer start burning when logging into a server
* Resin candles no longer sink into the surface they are placed on
* Asksvin Cape has been reworked with increased run speed and reduced stamina use for running
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed an issue making input on controllers where using the inventory and making small movements became very difficult
* Player characters no longer sits down when using the D-pad in the build menu
* Consumed feasts are no longer fully replenished after logging out and into server
* Servers are once again joinable through DNS
* Food Preparation Table now has broken state and LODs
* Mead Kettil now has broken state and LODs
Detailed Patch Notes:
* The following consumables now have correct sound/visual effects when they are consumed: Cloudberries, Onion, Cooked Eggs, Fire Resistance Barley Wine, Tasty Mead & Mushroom
* Food Preparation Table and Mead Ketill now properly apply cooking skill effects
* Added tooltip in the serving tray for removing feasts
* Serving tray should now be removed when sheathed
* Feasts will now break when their support is removed
* Build pieces are no longer getting damaged by water while under roof cover
* Mead bases now have individual icons
* Lightfoot Mead now requires 2 scale hides instead of a hare trophy and 5 feathers instead of 10
* Draught of Vananidir now modifes your stamina with 50% instead of 80%
* Active status effects are now shown in rows of 7
* Kvastur trophy no longer overlaps with other trophies
* Kvastur should no longer have an identical twin at the Bog Witch’s hut
* Scythe Handle is now sold after killing Moder
* Smoke emitters (fireplaces etc) are no longer turning them self off and on again
* “Hide/Show weapons” are now rebindable again
* Fixed a typo in the Ashlands feast description
* Players should no longer experience a stutter when getting close to the Bog Witch’s hut
* DNS lookup when joining a server should now work
* Fixed navigation with gamepad in the gameplay menu between delete playfab account and backups.
* Fixed right stick sensitivity on controllers to be the same as before the Bog Witch PTB
* Make sure slider speedup when held down works in game as well as in the main menu
* Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* New trader & trader location ★新たな商人追加
* New feast mechanic, including 8 feasts ★宴会?なんだろう。
* 16 new crafting materials ★新クラフト素材16個
* 8 new potions ★新ポーション8個
* 3 new items of clothing ★新衣装3個
* 3 new skills ★新スキル3個
* 4 new build pieces ★新建築部材4個
* 2 new tools ★新ツール2個
* 3 new emotes ★新感情表現3個?
* 1 new event ★新イベント1個
* Various bug fixes and performance improvements ★不具合修正、パフォーマンス改善
Detailed Patch Notes:
New Content:
New Mechanics:
* Feasts: Large meals that last longer and can be shared among several people
* New Skill: Cooking - Reduces the time it takes to craft food, chance to gain +1 food while crafting
* New skill: Farming - Reduces the stamina cost of using the Cultivator and increases the durability of farming items. Chance to gain bonus yield while harvesting crops.
* New skill: Crafting - Reduces the time it takes to craft items and increases the durability of crafting items. Reduces the stamina cost of placing build pieces.
* Tool: Serving Tray - Allows you to place any consumable item, like a build piece
* Tool: Scythe - Allows you to speed up the harvesting of your crops
* Material: Barrel Rings (purchasable)
* Material: Candle Wick (purchasable)
* Material: Scythe Handle (purchasable)
* Material: Cured Squirrel Hamstring (purchasable)
* Material: Powdered Dragon Eggshells (purchasable)
* Material: Fresh Seaweed (purchasable)
* Material: Pungent Pebbles (purchasable)
* Material: Fragrant Bundle (purchasable)
* Material: Toadstool (purchasable)
* Material: Ivy Seeds (purchasable)
* Material: Woodland Herb Blend (purchasable)
* Material: Mountain Peak Pepper Powder (purchasable)
* Material: Grasslands Herbalist Harvest (purchasable)
* Material: Herbs of the Hidden Hills (purchasable)
* Material: Fiery Spice Powder (purchasable)
* Material: Seafarer’s Herbs (purchasable)
Build Pieces & Furniture:
* Barrel (storage)
* Resin Candle
* Workbench: Food Preparation Table
* Workbench: Mead Ketill
* Clothing: Harvest Tunic (purchasable)
* Clothing: Harvest Dress (purchasable)
* Hat: Straw Hat (purchasable)
* NPC: The Witch (trader)
* NPC/Enemy: Kvastur
Foods & Potions:
* Feast: Whole Roasted Meadows Boar
* Feast: Black Forest Buffet Platter
* Feast: Swamp Dweller’s Delight
* Feast: Hearty Mountain Logger’s Stew
* Feast: Plains Pie Picnic
* Feast: Mushrooms Galore á la Mistlands
* Feast: Ashlands Gourmet Bowl
* Feast: Sailor’s Bounty
* Potion: Berserkir Mead
* Potion: Tonic of Ratatosk
* Potion: Lightfoot Mead
* Potion: Draught of Vananidir
* Potion: Mead of Troll Endurance
* Potion: Brew of Animal Whispers
* Potion: Anti-Sting Concoction
* Potion: Love Potion (purchasable)
* New Location: Witch’s hut in the Swamps
* New Event: Ghosts
* New Emotes: Relax, Rest & Toast
* Mead bases are crafted with the Mead Ketill instead of with the Cauldron
* Uncooked food items are crafted with the Food Preparation Table instead of with the Cauldron
* Food placed with the Serving Tray is steaming of deliciousness
Fixes & Improvements:
* Various visual updates to Hildir’s camp
* Optimised Greydwarf Eye
* Added the ability to craft x5 at once when holding down shift or left stick
* Some old hardcoded strings have been fixed and are now properly localised
* Updated names and descriptions for some of the items in Hildir’s shop
* Food is now visible in the player’s hand during eating animation
* Player built pots now return charcoal resin on destruction
* Console command added: ‘sortcraft’ to be able to sort crafting lists by name, type, weight, count or original
* Reduced radius of burn area on fire pits
* Fixed visual bug with Asksvin Rug and Straw
* ResetSkill console command can now also take "all"
* Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50
* Various optimizations to make the game run a bit smoother
* Framerates should become a bit more consistent when around a lot of buildings
* Fixed input loss that occured when running the game at lower framerates
* Fixed the slope-knockback bug that could occur when hitting enemies with some attacks while on a steep slope
* Fixed issue where if menu was opened during the generation of a new world, the join code would not be displayed
* Game no longer crashes when blocking/unblocking other player and exiting player list too fast
* Now if you suspend game after having joined online game, you can once again join another online game upon resuming without having to restart the whole game
* Fixed a bug where you could infinitely get stuck on "logging in to backend service" if you had deleted your playfab account and subsequently lost internet
PC Platforms:
* Made sure resolution dropdown in graphics settings can be scrolled with a gamepad
* Fixed Chat/NPC text not clamping correctly to screen borders on resolutions other than 1080p.
* Fixed bug with resolution confirmation popup not showing up if you switch to other settings tab and click OK
* Fixed so that the framerate slider movement speeds up if held down when using a gamepad
* Now filters out local IP addresses when searching for online servers
* Main audio device should no longer swap upon game launch
* Keys that don't have a QWERTY counterpart can now be bound
* Bepinex will work on Steam versions of Mac again
* Dedicated servers now put save files in the correct location when no ApplicationSupport folder exists already
* Dragging the window around no longer triggers left mouse button clicks
* Valheim cursor is now re-enabled after moving mouse outside of game window
* Forward and backward mouse buttons are no longer incorrectly recognized as middle mouse button
* Valheim is now downloadable on App Store even if Steam installation already exists
* Fixed Steam overlay not being openable via shortcut
Patch Notes:少し久しぶりに起動したからいつからかわかりませんが、左上の太陽(?)、これかなぁ。
* Fixed an issue causing Mac users not being able to connect to dedicated servers when playing via Steam
* Updated main menu graphics