What would you like? 何をオーダーしますか? Can i have this? これください。 Can I have a cappuccino? カプチーノをください Can I have a cheeseburger? チーズバーガーをください Can I have coke please? コーラをもらえますか? ※pleaseを最後に付けることでより丁寧に。
One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams. 1ポンドは約454グラムに相当します。 ※approximately 約、およそ One kilogram is roughly the same as 2.2 lbs. 1キログラムはだいたい2.2ポンドに相当します。 ※roughly だいたい There are 16 ounces in one pound. 1ポンドは16オンスです。 ※1オンス=28グラム。 Ann's baby weighed eight and a half pounds at birth. アンの赤ちゃんは生まれた時、8.5ポンドでした。
keepalived.conf is the configuration file which describes all the Keepalived keywords. Keywords are placed in hierarchies of blocks and subblocks, each layer being delimited by '{' and '}' pairs.
Comments start with '#' or '!' to the end of the line and can start anywhere in a line.
a small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land, has long powerful back legs with which it jumps from place to place, has no tail, and is usually greenish-brown in colour:
unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit:
By the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin. 彼は14歳までにヘロイン中毒になった。 I'm addicted to (= I very often eat) chocolate. 私はチョコにハマってます。 I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted. メロドラマを見始めるとすぐ夢中になってしまうのを知っている。 ※soap opera メロドラマ、hopelessly 絶望的な
Person is also used when describing someone’s character or personality:
I don’t think of him as a book person (= someone who likes books). 彼を本好きな人とは思いません。 She’s nice enough as a person, but she’s not right for the job. 彼女は良い人だが、その仕事には向いてない。
But imports shrank. しかし、輸入は減少した。 Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature. 高温で洗うとセーターは縮んでしまう。 The company's profits have shrunk from $5.5 million to $1.25 million. 会社の利益は550万ドルから125万ドルに減少した。
die (verb 動詞) to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly: dye (verb 動詞) to change the colour of something using a special liquid: ※colourはイギリス英語の綴りでcolorと同じ意味 ※liquidは液体