縮む。動詞(verb)。発音記号は ʃrɪŋk 。よく見かけるパターンですが、過去系はshrank、過去分詞はshrunkですかね。
to become smaller, or to make something smaller: But imports shrank. しかし、輸入は減少した。 Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature. 高温で洗うとセーターは縮んでしまう。 The company's profits have shrunk from $5.5 million to $1.25 million. 会社の利益は550万ドルから125万ドルに減少した。
関係ないけど、エッフェル塔のエッフェルは英語でeiffelだけど、the Eiffel Towerの発音記号は aɪ.fəl ˈtaʊ.ɚ (アから始まる)でした。日本語と英語の発音の違いがはっきりとあるパターンですね。
で、dieとdyeはどちらも発音記号 daɪ (UK/USいずれも)らしい。
die (verb 動詞) to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly: dye (verb 動詞) to change the colour of something using a special liquid: ※colourはイギリス英語の綴りでcolorと同じ意味 ※liquidは液体 ・dye引用元https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/dye ・die引用元https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/die
これに関連して、did you dye your hair?を聞き分けられるか?という趣旨の動画で見かけた。
発音記号は ɪnˈkred.ə.bli (US) 。
used for saying that something is very difficult to believe: Incredibly, no one was hurt in the accident. ※hurt 怪我をする、accident 事故 We missed our flight but, incredibly, got there on time. ※got there 着いた、 on time 時間通り His car turned over and caught on fire and yet, incredibly, he escaped unscathed. ※turn over 横転、escaped unscathed 無傷で逃げた
ちなみにa lot ofとはあまり違いがない模様。
a number of things of the same type fastened or closely grouped together, or any particular group of things or people:We ate a whole bunch of grapes. ※wholeは強調だと思う。They’re a nice bunch of people. ※niceは人にかかるみたいI’ve got a bunch of things to do. ※やるべきことがたくさんある・・・の意。
belonging or relating to the person or group of people being spoken or written to: Is this your bag? It's not your fault. Your mother is driving me crazy. ※狂わせるという意味。crazyな方へdriveする…ということか? What's your problem?https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/your
could( /kʊd/) book(/bʊk/) sugar(/ˈʃʊɡɚ/) woman(/ˈwʊmən/) push(/pʊʃ/)https://uwl.weblio.jp/speaking-test/column/pronunciation/pronunciation-differ-u
pˈæmpɚ (US)。
to give someone special treatment, making that person as comfortable as possible and giving them whatever they want: She pampers her dog with the finest steak and salmon. ※finest 最高級(素晴らしいの最上級)、steak ステーキ、salmon サーモン(サルモンではない・・・) Why not pamper yourself after a hard day with a hot bath scented with oils? ※why not なぜ・・・しないの?(・・・しませんか?的な言い回しっぽい)、scent 香りhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/pamper
動詞(verb)で「豊かにする」。発音記号は ɪnˈrɪtʃ (US)。
to improve the quality of something by adding something else:Fertilizer helps to enrich the soil. ※Fertilizer 肥料(fɝː.t̬əl.aɪ.zɚ US)、soil 土壌My life was greatly enriched by knowing her. These trips give students the opportunity to enrich their independent studies in geography and history. ※geography 地理、studiesはこの場合は研究?勉強?The presentations could be enriched with more digital media. Her work enriches our view of the 1960s. ※1960s 1960年代。19と60で分けて読む。https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/enrich
enは前に進むようなポジティブな意味がある気がするけど、en richだから豊かにするなのかな。
今回はhang out。意味は遊ぶ。
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone: hang out at You still hang out at the pool hall? ※pool hall=ビリヤード場のことらしい。プールかと思った。 hang out with I've been hanging out backstage with the band.https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/hang-out
come and hang out with us!
peaceful, quiet, and without worry: keep calm Now keep calm everyone, the police are on their way. さあ、皆さん落ち着いてください、警察が向かっています。 stay calm He usually stays calm in meetings, but this time he lost his temper. 彼はいつもは会議では冷静だが、今回は激怒した。 remain calm formal We would ask you to please remain calm and exit the building in an orderly fashion. 落ち着いて秩序ある方法で建物から退出していただきますようお願いいたします。 引用元https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/calm?q=calm+ 他の例文 This is the calm before the storm. 嵐の前の静けさです。
used to emphasize what is being said, or to express anger: 例文 We got big freaking spiders here! Are you freaking kidding me?https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/freaking
last night was so freaking awesome.
causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear: