Valheim Patch 0.219.13 (Public Test) 2024/10/24(木)

Detailed Patch Notes:
* The following consumables now have correct sound/visual effects when they are consumed: Cloudberries, Onion, Cooked Eggs, Fire Resistance Barley Wine, Tasty Mead & Mushroom
* Food Preparation Table and Mead Ketill now properly apply cooking skill effects
* Added tooltip in the serving tray for removing feasts
* Serving tray should now be removed when sheathed
* Feasts will now break when their support is removed
* Build pieces are no longer getting damaged by water while under roof cover
* Mead bases now have individual icons
* Lightfoot Mead now requires 2 scale hides instead of a hare trophy and 5 feathers instead of 10
* Draught of Vananidir now modifes your stamina with 50% instead of 80%
* Active status effects are now shown in rows of 7
* Kvastur trophy no longer overlaps with other trophies
* Kvastur should no longer have an identical twin at the Bog Witch’s hut
* Scythe Handle is now sold after killing Moder
* Smoke emitters (fireplaces etc) are no longer turning them self off and on again
* “Hide/Show weapons” are now rebindable again
* Fixed a typo in the Ashlands feast description
* Players should no longer experience a stutter when getting close to the Bog Witch’s hut
* DNS lookup when joining a server should now work
* Fixed navigation with gamepad in the gameplay menu between delete playfab account and backups.
* Fixed right stick sensitivity on controllers to be the same as before the Bog Witch PTB
* Make sure slider speedup when held down works in game as well as in the main menu
* Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50


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